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Organized Carrot
Gardener Insight

Your hidden gift as a gardener


Check your email to get the link to your Organized Carrot Gardener Insight Packet for more gifts and support you to fully use your trait to transform your garden journey.


The insight packet includes three steps to make thriving transformations using your gardener genius right now and in the upcoming weeks.


And, enjoy this page as my gift for you with more insights to guide you …


Ways to bring your organization skills into focus

Because you are an organized gardener, there are ways to bring your organization skills into focus. 


Keeping a Garden Journal allows you to review what happened in your garden over the year, or multiple years and uncover how you can make it even better.  I have kept some level of a garden journey since 1988.  I know that may sound crazy, but as an organized gardener, I find it fun.


Occasionally I go back and read the notes to see what has done well, how the weather has shifted and confirm what varieties have done well or poorly. 


For those of us to love organization, at the end of each planting season, take some time to check your seed stock. Start or update a seed inventory. This will not only keep you organized, but save you time and money on seeds.  I have a great inventory worksheet as part of my Spring Seed Starting Master Class and Workshop. 


Whatever form of garden journaling you do, consult your journal notes to improve each year.


Have you ever heard a gardener say they have never had issues with pests? I haven’t either.  Several years ago I came across what is called an Integrated Pest Management Plan.  I dove into the subject and found it to be mostly used by farmers and pretty darn complicated from the perspective of the home gardener.  So I did what I do. I created a simplified yet transformative version for the home gardener.  If you want to organize your way into handling pests before they become a problem, check out my IPM workshop. 


The Organized Gardener Insight Guide will unlock ways to manifest your garden genius


An Organized Carrot Story 

Carrots are one of the only crops I tend to grow in neat orderly rows.


I confess I prefer to create interesting companion planted beds vs growing in rows.This does not mean I am not an organized gardener. In fact I have been accused of being more organized than any of my gardening friends. I do love being organized. I also love beautiful interesting garden bed.


So why do I plant my carrots in organized rows?I have on occasion added carrots to my interesting shaped veggie plant designs and what ends up happening, is I loose track of them.Honestly this happens for me with all the root crops when I companion plant them around larger transplants.


This lead me to succumb to row planting. There is really nothing wrong with planting in rows and as an organized gardener, this might suit your visual aesthetic.


There is something satisfying about seeing a row of carrots come up, with their elegant tops.I don’t thin my carrots, as that seems like a waste of seed to me.I plant the seeds harvest distance apart.Once they come up, I simply fill in any spaces with more seeds. This saves space as I success plant my carrots.


To success plant carrots; or any crop, being organized is a valuable trait because you do need to track when you plant so you can plant again in a couple of weeks.This is one reason carrots are associated with you as an organized gardener.

Sharable Graphics 

Share your Garden Genius on social! 


Right Click or press Hold to save graphics below to share. 



Remember to Check your email to get the link to your Organized Carrot Gardener Insight Packet! 


Your Guide will ....


  • Unearth more ideas to use your amazing trait,

  • Illuminate solutions to simplify and focus your garden journey and 

  • Nourish and evolve you as a gardener so you

  • Revel more gardener tips so you have a

  • Thriving garden!


Hello Amazing Human! I'm Debby 

Hi there~ My name is Debby Ward. I am an Organic Garden Coach, Speaker and instructor who empowers gardeners to grow organic food at home.


You are an amazing human, with your own garden genius. Using your strengths to the full positive potential and transforming your weaknesses is what makes you successful and happy in your gardening and personal life.


In my 40+ years of gardening experience I have been fortunate enough to work with hundreds of gardeners and speak for many organizations and events. 


I created the Metamorphosis Membership for gardeners  to simplify their organic garden journey.


By getting your specific questions answered you make remarkable shifts in your garden’s productivity.


You illuminate webinar topics for The Metamorphosis and get one-on-one attention at a fraction of the cost of private coaching. 


The Metamorphosis gives you clarity for your garden to thrive. 

© Prior Unity Consulting/Prior Unity Garden, All Rights Reserved.

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